Case Management for Hospices: Overview

Case Management for Hospices: Overview

Sumac's Hospice Case Management Module is built with the needs of a Hospice in mind. It allows you to keep a record of patients' evolving PPS, manage workflow tasks, track program participation for both patients and clients to report to funders, meet HIPAA/PIPEDA requirements, track available bed capacity, and more.

With the Hospice Case Management add-on, you can track and report on:
  1. Patient and client demographics such as gender, date of birth, age
  2. Patient primary diagnosis, location prior to coming to Hospice, referral
  3. Healthcare provider
  4. Time and date of admission
  5. PPS at admission and throughout a patient's stay
  6. Length of stay, time and date of discharge, discharge position (death, LTC, hospital, home), PPS at discharge
  7. Record the name of the health care practitioner who completed the death certificate
  8. Patient and client program participation and services received
  9. Bed usage and capacity
What is a "patient," and what is a "client" in Sumac?

Sumac can keep track of hospice activity and program usage for both patients and clients. "Patient" refers to an individual in hospice receiving palliative care. "Client" can refer to a patient's family members or caregivers who are also receiving services from the hospice, like respite services or counselling.
You should now move on to these articles to learn more about using Sumac Case Management for Hospices:
  1. Managing Patient and Client Intake and Discharge
  2. Tracking Patient PPS Measurements
  3. Tracking Program Usage for Patients and Clients
  4. Reporting in Sumac Case Management for Hospices
Additional Notes and Recommendations
  1. You can easily customize Sumac to meet the needs of your organization. All drop-down lists and check-box options can be edited by your administrator. 
  2. When you are working on a Contact's History tab, tracking PPS Measurements and Admissions and Discharge, the list of Record Types can be long and unwieldy. You can quickly personalize the list of Record Types so that only those you work with regularly are available to you.

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