Sumac’s Case Management Portal includes 5 main areas:
- The Login Screen
- Your Dashboard
- Contacts
- Case Notes
- Meetings & Reminders
The Login Screen is where you can login with your credentials, as described in this article. Navigating the Dashboard
The Dashboard gives you access to Case Contacts (Clients), Meetings, and Reminders, and shows you a summary of the number of contacts in your database, and any Meetings or Reminders that are due for you.
You can add a new client record by clicking the "Add Client" button.
You can also add new meetings or reminders by clicking their corresponding buttons.
To see a list of all your contacts, click the Dashboard Contacts tile, or click "Contacts" in the left side panel.
If you wan to see only the clients you are working with, change the toggle switch from “All” to “Mine only."
Any client contact record you create in either the Sumac Desktop application or your Case Portal will is included when you view the “Mine only” list. Clients for whom you've added Case Plans or Case Notes, but whose contact records were created by other case managers at your organization will also show up in the “Mine only“ list.
You can use the search bar to find a specific client's contact record.
You can also add a new client contact record by clicking/tapping on the “New Contact” button.
To see a client's record and their intake information, click their name. That will provide you with access to their contact record and additional details.
To see the Case Notes that you have with a client, click the Case Notes tab.
Clicking on a Case Note allows you to review or edit that Case Note.
If you want to add a new case note for the client, click "New Case."
To view the Meetings and Reminders you have with this client, click the Meetings & Reminders tab in their record.
You can filter what you see to “All” or “Active only,” and you can filter to see just “Reminders” or just “Meetings”.
Navigating Meetings and Reminders
To see a list of your Meetings and Reminders, click the Reminders/Meeting tile in your Dashboard, or click the Reminders button on the left side panel.
Just as you can filter Reminders and Meetings when viewing a client's contact record, you can show “All” or “Active only" in the Meeting and Reminders area. There is also a check box to show the corresponding contact for your Reminders or Meetings.
To save a meeting or reminder to your personal calendar tool (e.g. Google or Microsoft Office calendar, or iCal), click “Add to Calendar”.
If your meeting has a location associated with it, you can open the address in Google Maps by clicking on the “Directions” button.
Logging Out
To logout of the portal, click the Log Out icon in the bottom left.