Release 4.6.3 - March 8, 2023

Release 4.6.3 - March 8, 2023

Release Notes - Sumac 4.6.3

What’s new

Group Memberships

A better way of handling family, company, and group memberships

While Sumac Memberships does have the capacity to handle membership types that are meant for families, companies, and other types of groups, we have received feedback on some limitations that some of our customers have come across.

In this release, we’ve addressed some of those concerns!  

We’ve added the ability for our customers to create Membership Types that are meant for groups. In doing so, we’ve removed the hard limit of 5 member contacts to a membership. 

If you offer family memberships, you can now attach the membership to a main family member and attach other family members to the membership!

Or if you offer memberships to companies or businesses who support your cause, you can now attach a membership to the company, and add the employees as members of that group!

This is just the first stage in our plans to improve how Sumac handles group memberships, but it does help lay the foundation of future enhancements that will trickle down to group memberships on our webforms, setting up group memberships meant for up to 5 people, another for up to 10, 50, etc.  We are also looking to help you identify if, for example, a family member or an employee is already in your database. Many exciting things that you can look forward to!

Customers who have Sumac Memberships can check out our support article on how to set this up here.

If there are any specific features you'd like us to work on, please feel free to drop us an email at

If you do not have Sumac Memberships yet contact your account manager or email to learn more!

Importing Donations using FundID

More ways to import your donations.

We understand that our customers will, from time to time, need to bring in donations from other sources or platforms (excel files, Canada Helps, etc..).

In this release, we’ve added the option to import donations and tie them to FundIDs!

While you are in the screen for importing donations, you will now see Fund (ID) as an option on the left-hand panel.

Which you can then click and drag on to the corresponding column in your data.

If you need further assistance using Sumac’s import functionality contact us using and we’d be more than happy to help! 

Enhancement for Loading/Saving List Builders

Continued improvements on Search

Back in Sumac Release 4.6.0, which was our last release of 2022, we introduced improvements on Sumac’s Search functionality.

We are not done however and our team continues to tirelessly work towards making Sumac the best that it can be!

In this release, we’ve now extended the ability to save List Builder searches in Sumac.

While you are in Sumac List builder, the options for Save List Builder now saves your list on to the database.


Load List Builder now gives you the option to load from a List Builder that you have saved in the database or a file.

You can learn more about List builder on our support article here.

Notable Bug 

Issues uploading files in Facts External Document
We received reports that some of our customers have been having issues uploading files if file names are too long. We’ve made some adjustments to the filename length from 60 to 255 characters! 
As a friendly reminder to our customers, having really long filenames can lead to major issues in the long run - and that is not just in Sumac! So do remember to keep your file names as short as possible while still being clear.

We would love to hear your feedback about the changes made in this release.  Please let us know at