How to set up Group Memberships

How to set up Group Memberships

Group memberships handles family, company and group memberships. As of March 2023, the hard limit of 5 members contacts per membership has been removed.

Set up Group Memberships

First, go to Customize Database and select Field Values.

Go to Memberships > Membership Group Types. Click New to Create a new Membership Group Type and type in the name of that group. And then click Ok to save.

In a future release we will be allowing you to specify additional details for a group type, such as a maximum member capacity that you would like to have in the member group.

Go to Memberships > Membership Types

You can now create a new Membership type (or select an existing Membership Type) and set a Membership Group Type. 

Once you save the Membership Type, adding that Membership now gives you the option to add additional Members to the Group Membership.

Be careful when setting the Group Type in a Membership Type. For data integrity, this cannot be changed once it is set.