Troubleshooting Sumac Installer on Windows and Internet Explorer

Troubleshooting Sumac Installer on Windows and Internet Explorer

Occasionally, when downloading Sumac through older versions of Windows, you may receive a "Please ensure you are connected to the internet and try again" error message.

This occurs because older versions of Internet Explorer do not support the more recent security protocols that are required by Sumac, specifically TLS 1.1 or higher.

TLS stands for "Transport Layer Security," and this protocol aims to provide privacy and data integrity when transferring data over insecure connections, such as the Internet. Sumac uses TLS to ensure that all data transferred between your computer and our servers, from which you download the latest updates to the Sumac software, is kept private and secure.

If you are experiencing this error when downloading Sumac, try installing any Windows updates and ensure that you have Internet Explorer 11 or higher installed.
Note: even if you are using Chrome or Firefox as your web browser, Sumac may still be trying to use Internet Explorer to handle this installation in the background, so ensuring that your computer is using Internet Explorer 11 or higher is a good idea to help resolve this issue.

If you are unable to update to the latest version of Internet Explorer, or if you continue to experience errors when installing Sumac even after following the suggestions above, please contact the Sumac support team for further assistance with installing Sumac.

You may also want to update your computer to enable TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on your machine. Follow these steps to enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 on your computer:

1. Search for "Internet Options" or go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet options (May vary depending on your OS version)
2. Go to "Advanced" tab
3. Check the check boxes for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
4. Press OK
5. Install Sumac again from this page on our website