Financial Summary (Event) Report Legend

Financial Summary (Event) Report Legend

If you are using the Financial Summary (Event) report in Sumac, the details below outline the fields used in this report and what they mean:

1) Payment Method Summary (group by Payment Type)
  1. Single Tickets in Group - single tickets from ticket orders on this Event
  2. Subscription Tickets in Group (not in totals) - tickets from subscriptions form ticket orders on this Event
  3. Other Single Tickets - single tickets from ticket orders but not on this Event
  4. Subscriptions - subscriptions amount from ticket orders (amount for the whole package which included this event)
  5. Surcharges - surcharges amount from ticket orders
  6. Donations - donations amount from ticket orders
  7. Adjustments - adjustments amount from ticket orders
  8. Coupons - coupons amount from ticket orders
  9. Totals - total except Subscription Tickets in Group
  10. # Payments - payments count of certain type
2) Payment Application - summary of all ticket orders from the first table

3) Payment Balance
  1. Total Value of Orders - summary of all ticket orders from the first table
  2. Over-payments - if payment total bigger than total amount
  3. Under-payments - otherwise