3. Donations Data Preparation Instructions

3. Donations Data Preparation Instructions

Type of information that goes in this tab:

  1. Records of any voluntary transfer of property without valuable consideration to the donor such as
    1. monetary gifts
    2. in-kind gifts
    3. gifts meant for auction
    4. securities and other monetary instruments
  2. Funds received from grants you applied for
  3. Transactions involving a partial amount that is entitled to a tax receipt
  4. Funds received as a result of recurring donations or pledges made to your organization
  5. Information about how the donation was solicited; whether it was the result of a campaign or an event.
  6. What the donation is meant to go towards

How the information entered in this tab will be handled:

  1. Every row will be imported as one DONATION record. 
  2. Every column in this tab represents a field in the DONATION record in Sumac.  
  3. If you do not track information that belongs in any given column in the template, leave that column blank. 

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Field(s)
Default Value Imported (If no data present)
Donor ID
Donor IDs column needs to match Contact ID column in the Contacts Template. IF THERE ARE NO IDs THIS TEMPLATE IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR MIGRATION.
Donation Type
Payment Type
When Received

If there is no data in the fields listed above, the corresponding default values on the right will be imported.


If there are donations in your data that were received as a result of an EVENT, then in order to import an event into Sumac we will need your data to contain the following:
Mandatory Field(s)
Default Value Imported (If no data present)
Event Name
No EVENT will be imported
Event Type
Event Date

 The above fields are in the template provided.


If there are donations in your data that were received as a result of a fundraising initiative such as a CAMPAIGN, a mailed or emailed appeal, or some other named initiative for solicitation, then this data will be imported as a Campaign into Sumac and then tied to that donation.

Mandatory Field

Default Value Imported (If no data present)
Campaign Name
No CAMPAIGN will be imported

 The above fields are in the template provided. 


If there are donations that are restricted by the donor to go towards a particular purpose or fund, then this will be imported as a FUND in donations.
Mandatory Field
Default Value Imported (If no data present)
Fund Name
No FUND will be imported
 The above fields are in the template provided.


This illustrates some of the defaults of mandatory fields do not contain data.