This is just beginning! We have more improvements planned for the dashboard, including creating new dashlets, adding options for graphs, and much more.
Do you have ideas that would make your dashboard even better?
Prebuild Case Management Modules are now available under Case management.
Modules that we develop specifically for your nonprofit will now be listed under Custom.
And the extensions that we have available for specialized needs will remain under Specialized.
In this release, we also made adjustments to the deduplicate logic to prevent customers from getting too many false matches.
The updated logic now reviews contact records for:
The same phone numbers across all phone number fields and suspects exact matches as duplicates
The same email address across all email address fields and suspects exact matches as duplicates
Additionally, Contact records can also be suspected as duplicates if meet three of the following conditions.
If the last names are the same or are off by one character
If the first names are the same or off by three characters, or if the first three characters match
If the City is the same or off by one letter
If the phone numbers across all phone number fields are off by just one character
If the email address across all email address fields are off by just one character
Reminder: Individual records and Organization/Household records will not be suspected as duplicate records.
We also updated the Deduplicate auto search to pause once 100 instances of suspected duplicates have been found to help improve performance.
This update will give customers a more manageable list of duplicates that they can review and clean up.
We have more improvements planned for our deduplicate feature and look forward to releasing these improvements to you!
Do you have other ideas to make the deduplicate feature even better?