Health & Social Services Configuration Data Preparation Instructions

Health & Social Services Configuration Data Preparation Instructions


This page is meant to provide you with information on how to populate your health & social services case management specific data into the Health & Social Services build template that you downloaded from the template-based migration introduction page. This page is only to explain the "Intake" section of the Contact tab, and the Help Line, Outgoing Referral, Service Plan and Service Delivery tabs.
For health & social services specific information such as donations, pledges, memberships, etc., please see the pages linked from the main instructions page here.

Type of information that goes in this configuration of Sumac:

  1. Manage Client’s Lifecycle
    1. Intake & screening
    2. Assessment of needs & risks
    3. Services planning and delivery
    4. Discharge, re-entry & aftercare
  2. Track incoming referrals
  3. Manage outgoing referrals
  4. Track incoming calls to your Mental Health Crisis Helpline.

How the information entered in the relevant tabs will be handled:

  1. Each row will be imported as a separate record 
  2. Any data entered into a field marked as a drop-down field or a checkbox group field in the "Type of Field" column will be created as an option in that field. 
    1. For checkbox groups, multiple options can be recorded in the data, as long as those options are separated by a comma.
    2. For fields marked as drop-downs only one option can be recorded.

  3. Time of day and duration fields should have the data in HH:MM:SS format

  4. For date fields, a complete date is needed, including the year, month and day

  5. All fields in red are mandatory fields

Contacts - Intake

These are the fields you will find in the intake area of a Contact record.
In the template spreadsheet, you will find columns representing these fields in the Contacts tab. 
The information in these fields is generally considered to be unchanging.
Each individual should have only one row of information that goes in these fields.

Name of Field

Type of Field





Employment Status



Family Size



Education Completed

Checkbox Group


Family Income



Referral Source

Checkbox Group


Reason for Referral



Referral Date



Emergency Contact Name



Emergency Contact Phone



Emergency Contact Email



Relationship to the contact



Family Doctor




Checkbox Group


Relevant Medical Conditions

Long Text


Help Line

For every call made into your helpline a record of this type is created. This means that for every call there should be one row of data in this tab with details of that call.

Name of Field

Type of Field




Links to a Contact record.




Call Start Time:

Time of day


Call End Time:

Time of day


Call Duration:



Reason for Contact



If Other:




Long Text


Outgoing Referral

Every time you refer a client to one or more services or service providers, a record of this type is created. This means that you will need one row of data for each instance that you are referring a client to one or more services or service providers.

Name of Field

Type of Field







Links to a Contact record.

Reason for Referral:

Checkbox Group


Referral Type

Checkbox Group




Links to a Contact record.

An organization that you might be referring your client to.

Internal Program



Unmet Needs



Remaining Needs




Long Text



Service Plan

When you take on a new client, you might plan out how your organization will serve that client's needs. This record is to track every time you take on a new client or a previous client returns to avail themselves of your services. The information recorded here is not meant to record one instance of counselling, for example, but rather the client's intake and exit from a larger program that might include things like individual counselling sessions.

This means that one row of data in this tab will represent one stint of a client at your organization.

Name of Field

Type of Field


Client Name


Links to a Contact record.

Intake Date



Program Name



Presenting Issues

Long Text


Relevant History

Long Text


Clinical Impressions

Long Text





High-priority goals

Long Text



Long Text


A timeline for treatment progress:




Long Text


Exit Date



Days in Program



Reason for exit:




Long Text


Service Delivery

A service delivery record is created for every instance of counselling or training received by a client, or every time they attend/participate in a program that you offer.

This means that one row of data in this tab needs to represents one counselling session, for example.

Name of Field

Type of Field







Links to a Contact record.

Case Manager


Links to a Contact record.

Program Name



Start Time

Time of day


End Time

Time of day





Updates and Progress Made:

Long Text



Long Text


Desired Progress for the next meeting:

Long Text



Long Text


 Custom​ization Information

All drop-down menu and checkbox choice options will be customized to the data that you have sent.


If you have any additional fields of data that you would like to have in any of the above records, please send us a table like the one above detailing what the name of the field should be and what data type the field should have.

    Our products got an upgrade!

    Some screenshots and help videos have been made using older versions of our products. Though your version's colours and themes may appear different than what you see here, the instructions, links and advice in this article are still accurate and useful!

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