In Honor and In Memory Donations

In Honor and In Memory Donations

With the Sumac 4.7.5 release, we've made it easier to track and send notifications to the recipients of, or those who have given in Honour or in Memory of donations. This feature offers several benefits, including:
  1. Gratitude And Recognition: Notifications that express thanks and recognize donors help you foster stronger relationships.
  2. Transparency And Trust: Updates show how donations are used, building trust and accountability with the donors, in-honour contacts and the loved ones for memorialized gifts .
  3. Sustained Engagement: Regular communication keeps donors engaged and encourages ongoing support.
  4. Repeat Donations And Higher Retention: Seeing impact often leads to more giving or increased support boosting donor loyalty.
  5. Compliance And Reporting: Essential for regulatory requirements and financial records.
This article explores the how Sumac Donations handles these tribute donations for In Honour and Memorial giving. You’ll find all of these improvements under the Tributes heading in donation records.

How to capture a Tribute Donation

When a donation is made in Honour or In Memory of someone, you can indicate this by setting the appropriate check mark in the donation record. This will expand the Tributes section so you can add more details about the tributes for this gift.  

After indicating that this is an In Honor or In Memory donation, use the subsequent fields to capture information about individuals who should receive notifications regarding tribute donations.

When entering the name of an Honoree or a person who should be notified about a new tribute gift, simply type the In Honor or Send Recognition individual’s name into the appropriate field to capture who they are. 

Alternatively, if you want the Honoree or Person to Notify to be a contact in your database, you can add these individuals as contact records, or link them to existing contact records in your database.

Sending Notifications for Honorary or Memorial donations

You can effortlessly contact the persons to notify via email or mail merge! Once you've captured the contact details for the person that needs to be notified in the donation record, those details can be used to Send Emails:

Or create Mail Merge letters:

You can also set up email notifications so members of your team are automatically notified whenever an in honor of or in memory of donation is received.

If your organization has been using Sumac for several years, you may already have tribute-related data in more basic fields of donation records (e.g. using the In-Honor Contact and Notes fields). To make it easier for you to take advantage of these tribute improvements, we've copied that information to the new fields based on our best estimates.

For organizations who have been using more unique methods to track tribute-related information, we have introduced a new option in Sumac Imports allowing you to update your donation records to take advantage of these new tribute fields.

If you have questions or require further assistance, please contact our support team at 877.399.4645 x 1 or email us at