How to use Templated Import to import donations from third party tools

How to use Templated Import to import donations from third party tools

This article explains how to use Sumac's Templated Import tool to import donation data from third party tools into Sumac in a few quick steps.

First, from your third party tool, export the donations you want to bring into Sumac. 

Remember to save the file in a location where you can find it later when you import into Sumac!

Once you have successfully extracted the donation data from your third party tool, you can proceed to importing this data into Sumac.

From your Sumac console, expand Utilities > Data Management > Import Data.

Next, select the name of the third party tool you are importing data from, then click "Choose" to select the file you exported from your third party tool in the steps above.

Sumac includes Import Templates for a few commonly used third party tools, but you can set up your own Import Templates to bring in data from other third party tools that are unique to your organization. Learn how in the article below:

Click "Continue Import," and Sumac will prompt you to set some default values for the imported records. Sumac requires you to define the Payment Type, Account and Donation Type you want it to use for these donations. Choose the values you want to use for this import.

Finally, click "Import," and Sumac proceeds to import all the contacts and donation data from your third party tool into Sumac. Once done, Sumac presents a confirmation window that summarizes the imported data.

That's it - you're done! You can continue these simple steps any time you need to import third party donation data into your Sumac database.