How does Sumac choose a contact's preferred address?

How does Sumac choose a contact's preferred address?

In every contact record, Sumac has space for three types of addresses: Residence Address, Business Address and Vacation Address. Based on the details gathered for each of these addresses, Sumac can also determine which address is the contact’s preferred address so that it knows which address to use when you run a mailing. Here is how Sumac evaluates which address to use:

First, Sumac reviews the contact’s Vacation Address tab to determine a) if there is an address recorded there, and b) if the vacation address is currently in effect (you can assign a date range to a vacation address so that Sumac knows what time of the year Sumac should use the vacation address, or not). If there are address details there, and they are in effect on the date you’re running your mailing, Sumac will use the Vacation Address. If not, Sumac moves on to the Business Address.

When Sumac reviews the contact’s Business Address tab, it confirms if there is an address recorded there. If there is, Sumac looks at the “Use this address for mailings” check box on the Business Address tab. If there’s a check mark there, Sumac will use the Business Address. If there are no address details there, or if the “Use this address for mailings” check box is empty, then Sumac will use the Residence Address.

The above describes how Sumac approaches this for print mailings. If you are running an email, Sumac will send to any email address in the contact’s record that has a check mark next to the “Send to this email address” check box.

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