1. If you have previously installed Sumac on your Mac, you need to manually remove it first:
- Delete all the existing shortcuts for Sumac from your desktop.
- Open a Finder window, and go to your Library > Application Support folder. Delete Sumac from this folder too by dragging it to Trash.
2. Return to your Downloads folder and double-click SumacInstaller_mac_20220408.dmg. Wait for it to extract.
3. Click and drag the Sumac icon into the Applications folder.
4. Open the Applications folder and locate Sumac. Click Sumac to run the app.
5. Locate the Install Sumac icon on your desktop. Right-click and select Eject “Install Sumac” to complete your installation.
Troubleshooting "Apple cannot check the software" message
You may see a message saying that Sumac cannot be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. If you encounter this message, go to your System Settings, then click Privacy & Security in the sidebar.
Go to Security, then click Open, and indicate you want to "Open Anyway" to run Sumac. Enter your login password, then click OK.
The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it, just as you can for any authorized app.
Troubleshooting "Unidentified Developer" message
You may see a message saying that Sumac is from an “unidentified developer.” If you encounter this message, right-click the Sumac icon, and select Open. Opening Sumac this way allows you to tell your computer that you trust the Sumac application, even if it did not come from the App store.
Click Open, and Sumac launches as normal and can now be accessed from your applications folder. You will not need to do this right-click step when you log into Sumac in the future.