How do I back up my database?

How do I back up my database?

Remember that when your database is hosted by the Societ team, we back up your database every day. If you ever need a copy of this backup, give us a call or email!
All versions of Sumac have a Backup Database tool which will save your database as a .zip file which you can save to the location of your choice.
Note: you must be a Sumac Administrator to create a backup of your database.
Start by navigating to Utilities under the main Sumac console. From here expand Sumac Administration.
  1. Click "Backup and Archive." 

  2. Click "Choose" to choose the location where Sumac will save the backup it creates. You should choose to save it somewhere safe.

  3. After choosing the location for saving the backup, click "Backup Now" and Sumac will backup the entire database.

Now you have an entire backup of the database which can be used to reproduce your database when needed.