Fundraising Effectiveness Report

Fundraising Effectiveness Report

The Fundraising Effectiveness Report was introduced in version 4.6.6. and provide invaluable insight into how your fundraising program is performing.  The report provides Year over Year (YoY) comparisons, stats on your current year, as well as breakdowns of the number of donors in giving categories.

Go to Utilities > Customize Database > Preferences and select the Reports tab.  Set the day of the month you would like it delivered and provide email addresses to deliver it to and it will automatically be emailed.

Legend & definitions

YoY - Year over Year
K - thousand, i,e. $2k = $2,000
YoY Donor Change - the increase or decrease in the number of donors, calculated as current year value less previous year value, divided by previous year value. 
YoY Total Dollar Change - the increase or decrease in gross revenue, calculated as current year value less previous year value, divided by previous year value. 
YoY Retention Change - the year over year change in retained donors only, calculated as current year retained donors less previous year value, divided by previous year value. 
Donors in [year] - count of donors for the current year.
Total Dollars raised in [year} - gross revenue raised in the current year.
New Donors - a count of first-time donors.
New Retained Donors - a count of donors who were first-time donors last year that gave again this year.
Repeat Retained Donors - a count of donors who have given at least 3 years in a row.
Recaptured Donors - a count of donors who donated previously, did not donate in the previous 2 years, but gave again this year.  i.e. they donated in 2020, did not donate in 2021 and 2022, but then gave again in 2023.

Blanks, 0 values, and values more than 100% in the report

Because the Fundraising Effectiveness Report compares the current year to the previous year, if you are missing data, you will see blank spaces in the report.  This is most likely to affect new Sumac clients and will resolve over time as you continue to use Sumac and accumulate prior year donation history.

For example, if there is no prior year donation data, the YoY tables will display 0%.

Charts will display blanks or breaks in lines.

Percentage of Total Donors and Percentage of Donations Compared to Total Number of Donations will be 0%.

Percentage of Total Donors may also exceed a total value of 100% due to donors possibly belonging to different categories. For example, a donor might make 1 donation under $100 and another over $500; they would appear in both categories.

Because Sumac rounds down values below 1% you may see 99% when you expect to see 100%.  For example, 14.5% and 85.5% would be rounded down to 14% and 85%. These would then total 99%.