Donor Anniversary Report

Donor Anniversary Report

The Donor Anniversary report includes the donor name, ID, email and phone number to allow you to connect with the donor to recognize the anniversary of their first gift to your organization.  It also includes:
  1. the date of the first donation and the last donation you received, and the amount of those gifts
  2. the total number of donations made
  3. the total value of their donations
  4. their largest donation
  5. the number of years they have been an active donor
To create a report of donors by their Anniversary, use the Donor Anniversary report found under Donations in the Fundraising areas of Sumac Donations.

Select the start and end date for the Anniversary period.  For example, if you are looking for donors with a July Anniversary, select July 1 to July 31.  The calendar will add the year, so select the current year.

Then specify the anniversary years.  ie to find donors who are between their 2nd and 5th anniversary, enter 2 in the "from" field and 5 in the "to" field.

You can also narrow down your report by giving range by entering a 'from" and "to" donation amount; and by number of donations.  In this example, we'll look for donors between $100 and $1000 dollars and who have given more than 2 donations.

Click OK.