Basic Concepts and Built-in Reports

Basic Concepts and Built-in Reports

Basic Concepts and Built-in Reports

There are two approaches to reporting in Sumac:
  1. Sumac's built-in reports, or
  1. Custom Reports
The reports are found in distinct area of the Sumac database.

In this article, we'll explore built-in reports.

Run built-in reports using the Analyse & Report menu found in every list in Sumac.

This menu holds some reports that are specific to each list.

To run reports in the Contact list. 

Click expand the Analyze & Report menu.

Select the report to run. If Sumac's tooltips are turned on, hover the cursor over the title of each report to view a description.

To run the “Info – Details” report.

Select the contacts to view the report. Select the names of the contacts from the contact list. 

Or use the search features at the top of the Contact list to search for a specific group of contacts to report on.

To run reports on board members, for example, choose the Search Type: Contact Type, then choose Contact Type: Board.

You now have the list of contacts to include in the report.

When you click the title of the report you want to run, Sumac asks you to confirm which contacts you want to report about. For our example, click All. 

Then Sumac asks what related information about these contacts you want to include in this report.

To omit any of these details, click to remove the check mark.  

Once you've selected what you want to see in this report, click OK and Sumac generates the report. By scrolling through, you will see all the information related to the contacts included in this report.

All the reports stored in the Analyze & Report menus throughout the database are written in HTML format. This means that they can easily be copied and pasted into emails so that the information can be shared when necessary. 


Once Sumac produces the report, there are three options to present the report:  

  1. Click “Copy to Clipboard,” which will copy the entire report onto a clipboard that can be pasted into an email for sending or into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
  2. If the Sumac database is configured to send emails, click “Send Email” to send this report via email directly to the recipient email out of Sumac.
  3. View the report on the screen, once done reading the report, click “OK” or “Cancel” to close the window.